Rowan's Guide II

Bellevue Hospital 7:30 am

“ Good morning...I tried to not wake you, seems like you needed to sleep.” “ Goodmorning Doc...What time is it?” Corey asks as he quickly sits up to gather himself. “ More brain activity last night which is good... no major changes but enough for us to feel positive about this.” “ That’s great doc...still trying to wake up, he stretches wide letting out a huge yawn then quickly smacking his face. Do you have a time in mind of when he...err... might wake.” Corey voiced still yawning. “With the brain... no one can set a proper time, the brain is trying to heal, and we can only let it run its natural course. Dr. Sanjay turns towards the nurse to get ready for Micah’s clean up. “No more inflammation. So we’re hoping for this to continue.” Dr. Sanjay adds “ You properly should go down to the cafeteria...breakfast is good today.” “Hospital food...i bet it is,” Corey answered jokingly while looking for his jacket, trying knock getting disoriented by the beeps and blinking lights of the monitors. Dr. Sanjay smiles and does his final check ups, and exits. “Where did i put that thing” Corey thinks while sluggishly looks for his jacket. “ ugh...screw it...Hospital Food it is” Corey says to himself as he staggers out the room.

  • The light reappears again and Micah once again finds himself seated in front of a large crowd. Still cannot comprehend these episodes. Still feels the need to stay there and his gut screaming to see it ‘till the end.

Interviewer: “ So let’s go to the beginning... the writing, the mindset, the birth of  Micah Sin the writer.”

Micah: John Lennon once said “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans .” I believe that i was meant to be a writer and it took me accepting that i need to take a risk in life for it to happen. I believe that society has a strong grip on derailing you to failure. ”

  • The crowd starts raring over the statement and starts clapping. The words are really touching home to them.

Interviewer: “Elaborate a little on that... the crowd seem to want to understand your views.”

Micah: “ With careers limited, not everyone will be able to work in their field of study. But, yet again, you have people close to you that swear that a diploma will get you success. Not saying that it does not help. Too many people are misinformed...Trades are s frowned upon but there are so much money and demand for them. We were forced to abide by egotistical professors that spoke highly of a profession that they’ve failed to realize that they never taught any of us how to work with in it once you graduate. I got into writing because it was a stress reliever and i loved seeing the reaction of others when they read something i wrote and say. My dislike towards the nine to five gave me the drive to grind even harder to find my niche.”

Interviewer: “Are you saying that you became great out of fear or circumstance?”

Micah: “ A bit of both, i was afraid that i wasn’t getting anywhere in life. I work a job i did not like. i was majoring in Psychology and have been in school for far too long. I was lucky enough to be able to support myself and do school at my pace, and used that extra time to find my talent.”

Interviewer: “What is wrong with a nine to five?”

Micah: “ Nothing is wrong with a nine to five, the world revolves around nine to fives. I just never felt it was for me. I was never ambitious to do one. It was a necessity for me to have a source of income. I was not looking for wealth, only passion. However, being financially independent was always a must for me.”

Interviewer: “How did you get to begin to write?”

Micah: “ I started with poetry naturally, i felt that it was so beautiful to let a pen leak out your pain and trickle away the worry. I will say i that it solidified my love for writing. ‘Till this day i cannot confirm if people actually liked it or if they were just being nice. However, no one in the crowd once furrowed their eyebrows in disgust. That was all the positive feedback i needed.”

Interviewer: “So one performance of a poem created the Micah Sin?”

Micah: “No... but, that is his birthday. Positive feedback goes a long way. I always knew how to sell a story. I was an overzealous person and expressed myself with so much flair. People enjoyed when i spoke, they felt connected to me and i was content with that idea. I felt heroic and could not let that feeling go.”

Interviewer: “You said was! Are you no longer that person?”

Micah: “ i am still very enthusiastic in conversation but my life has made me more reserved due to fame. I am not the biggest fan of the spotlight but i’m incredible at press though”

  • The crowds laughs while reminiscing on my moments on the red carpet, MET Gala appearances, Emmys, Oscars, and numerous festivals. All press is good press, Micah always thought.

Interviewer: “Is there anyone you thank for where you are now?’

Micah: “I can’t thank my team enough for handling the Bullshit, the lies, the trickery, the pimping, and stopping it before i had to. Their loyalty has no bound. And... i tip my hat to them everyday. Also my fans for reassuring me that they love my ideas and my writing. Without y’all, i do not exist.”  Micah gets up, hands together and vocalizes a Thank You.

  • The crowd applauds and He feels like a child after winning a game, dying to hear “ i am proud of you” from his parents. Overjoyed, he felt compelled to blow them a kiss. He adds “To this crowd and the millions out there that truly supported my livelihood. I love all of you. Dearly!”

Interviewer: “I’ve been thinking about your journey here and your lack of controversies. Not even the slightest rumour of sorts. How did you escape the trenches of fame?”

Micah: “ 2018 i believe... when i truly started seeing true hardship. I was able to observe it the world suffered as i did. I saw celebrities like Kanye West reveal his afflictions to the world. Granted those comments were offensive, it took me a minute to realise that PC (politically correct) and Free-Speech were not one in the same. It all came down to how those words are formulated and then expressed. They must be concise and direct. They must be understood the moment they roll off your tongue.”

Interviewer: “Would you say that is what you are doing right now? Being PC! ”

Micah: “ I am not speaking to win over a crowd. This is a safe space. I am amongst friends and feel safe to speak unfiltered to you all.

  • Their  eyes locked and Micah smirks trying to contain himself. The interviewer understood that Micah saw the ring he was in.  the cross he threw and was countered perfectly. Micah is far from fallen onto the mat. He is seeing it ‘till the end.

Loves one deserve the truth but not disrespect. Not all things are worthy to be spoken on.”

Interviewer: “How did the offenses of Mr. Kanye West help you stay away from social medias clench?”

Micah: “ I understood that social media is a blessing when it comes to connecting with the fans, promotions, and having an unlimited access to things. When you are famous or have everything to lose... Social Media is not a place you want to have the most personal presence. It’s just not for everyone. Does everyone remember Dj Khaled?”

  • The crowds cheers and yells “Major Key alert”

“Yes, that man. Dj Khaled soared his career to new heights with the application Snapchat, however, many people had their careers ended due to social media. Once i reached a certain level in my career, social media became less inviting to me. Even though i made promotions on those platforms, those posts were just that. Because social media is not like a book or script. It cannot be read with set tones. Every tweet, every post, and every comment can be misconstrued. I didn’t think i could survive backlash from black twitter. I could not risk my new career on a misquote.”

Interviewer: “You lived in fear throughout your career so why be open now with the world. You have not retired or do you plan to?”

Micah: “ i didn’t live in fear.. i’m a pessimist. I prepare for the worst and hope i don’t lose my way if things ever drifted in that direction. I am extremely content with my life and managed to have a fun and successful career. I would be lying if i said that it came trouble-free, and the idea of expecting the worst made it possible to make sure i avoided being in situations that could’ve possibly turned south..”

Interviewer: “ Is this interview...your way of letting us know you will be retiring.”

Micah: “Of course not, i always said that i wanted to retire by the age of 55. So i have some time left on my clock. At this stage in my career, i work at my pace and on my time. So i can do this forever, if god willing.”

Interviewer: “So why now? Why decide for this tell-all interview now?”

Micah: “Because you asked, and genuinely wanted to know... Me... the person. Other hosts just wanted the ratings. They seek to put me in a position where they can just get people tuning in, despite how compromising it would be for me. You chose to make this a conversation than an interview per se. You made this honest.”

Interviewer: “Thank you it means a lot.

  • Shakes Micah’s hand showing deep admiration.

Let’s go back to family. How do you balance?”

Micah: “I never had to think about that. They understood my hustle and they chose to be on it. My family were both my support and my business. I was never alone. We have everything we ever needed and more.”

Interviewer: “Did you ever feel like it wasn’t enough?”

Micah: “Heck no! They kept me grounded. Once i was in the room with all the connections, i let them all run in and create their own opportunities. I became a catalyst and i was more than happy to be that guy for them. It got complicated when they had their own opportunities but we never stopped looking out for each other. We just became closer and  pushed everyone's success. We uplift and more importantly we invest in each other. My family is not like the wayans, jacksons, kennedy, any of those famous families whom decided to all do the same thing. We spread out and have a footing in everything. We don’t all share the same passion but we are all about our affluences.”

Interviewer: “ indeed you all dominated and still dish out great content. We will go deeper into those bestsellers, when we come back. “

  • Wait wait wait...Not again Micah kept pleading to no one responding. Dead silence and the darkness.

Bellevue Hospital 8:30 pm

“ Hey Lauren...have you seen Mr. Vince?” Dr. Sanjay ask the front desk nurse with wondering eyes searching for Corey. “You just missed him actually.” “He had food and played some music earlier.” she adds while fiddling with her pen. “ Incredible friendship, i tell you. He‘s here day in and day out with his friend in mind radiating positivity to everyone around,” the doctor replies as they both smile at the comment. “ Anyways... goodnight Lauren.” “ You too doctor.”

Interviewer: “Welcome back to The Rowan Show and you already know who we have with us tonight. I hope you are eyes and ears are fix on these screens. Our curiosity will be satisfied. Get ready for the exclusive on these bestsellers. Now, Micah… can you please walk us to how you start any story?”

  • This feeling again Micah thinks... the feeling that i am being unpaused like a recording for someone’s entertainment. It’s more fluid this time around and Micah quickly continues in conversation...

Micah: “ There’s no concrete way of writing a story...all genres are formatted differently. What i can say is this...every idea is a great idea unless you doubt it. Never throw away anything. Just because it did not fit in this story doesn’t mean it cannot be used in another. Research is important...educate yourself on the topic, that way, you can twist and shape the story as you see fit. Push the envelope, go wild with the ideas.”

Interviewer: “What we want to know is how you created those best-sellers?”

  • That feeling of a trial is surging again. Micah keeps wondering if this is a of modesty. He cannot comprehend but he can feel the paranormality of this interview This interviewer has said the word “bestseller” quite enough that it is questionable.

Micah: “ No one can explain their lucky breaks. There are many genius writers out there. Can they really explain how they created their masterpieces.Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, J.K Rowling, Toni Morrison, Ta-Nehisi Coates...just to name a few. It is impossible to know you will be great.”

Interviewer: “Fair enough...walk us through the creation of Madness. Perplexing story, and so interactive.”

Micah: “ ... it feels like forever ago.

  • The look of reminisce sprouts on Micah’s face and cannot contain the gargantuan smile on his face.

I wanted to write a story with so much imagery to the point where if it were to be read to a visually impaired person they could see the characters, the scenes, the locale. Second, i wanted a darker tone. The twist was shocking even for me. I questioned the definition of MAD...  I re-worded and added a few some, and at the end came up with the infamous “who is MAD?”

Interviewer: “How did you react when you saw how viral it got?”

Micah: “one word, BLESSED...Beyond be...”

  • A silence overtakes the room stopping him from ending his sentence.  Micah now sees himself alone with the interviewer glaring back at him… A warm embrace quickly feels Micah’s body before he could speak. He can feel He cannot see whom or what, only hears, “ Judgement is for the man to make. For only they know the weight of their hearts. You’ve passed through the door of your chosen. Continue your journey in reverence…Remember what matters most. Live for betterment not concession”

Bellevue Hospital 4:30 pm

Micah’s eyes slowly open he sees a blurred image of that he assumes is Big C. “How you doing brother,” Micah ask in a cracking tone.” “ Holy shit... Sorry Lord... Welcome back man.” Corey responds as he jumps and race to his bedside. “Doctor...Nurse...Someone come in quick.” Corey yells holding Micah’s hand while gesturing to stay immobilize until the doctor comes. “Welcome back Mr. Sin...How are you feeling? … Can you understand me?” Dr. Sanjay asks while checking the monitors making sure Micah’s vitals were all in healthy ranges. Micah answers yes but no sound comes out. The good doctor reaches for the water and helps Micah to a drink. “ He has cottonmouth...It’ll go away soon.” “Do you remember what happened to you?” Dr. Sanjay adds placing the empty bottle back on the table. “ I remember being home having a drink and now waking up here.” Micah answers in a low raspy-like voice. “ Mr. Sin you hit your head pretty badly from  fall in your living room. You’ve been in a comatose state for almost a week now.” “ Yeah had us a little worried there.” Corey chimes in. “damn...i don’t know what to say.” “There’s nothing to say...We’ll have to run some test to fully clearly you. Let’s be very optimistic and see if we can release you in the next day.” Dr.Sanjay states while signaling the nurses to come in. “ Prep for MRI, blood, urine, the works.” He says to the nurse. “Sounds good?” He says to Micah. “ Perfect Doc,” Micah and Corey both reply. “ I would love a steak right now,mash potatoes, and green beans stir-fry.” Micah comment while letting out a salivating grunt. Laughter and smiles feels the room as if they just came out of a comedy show forgetting where exactly they are for a moment. The nurses come in ready to take the samples and informs them that the MRI is next dragging them back to the reality at hand. A few long minutes pass by as they patiently wait and a nurse walks in and states that it was time for the MRI as she prepares the bed to be rolled out to the examination room. Corey laying on the couch playing on his phone looks over by the door and notices Micah being rolled towards the room. “ How did it go?” Corey asks the nurse. “ The doctor must examine it and then he’ll let you know of the results.” Nurse answers while locking the wheels to the bed and placing the I.V back on Micah. “ If there’s anything else you need...i am right outside...ok?” “Thanks” “Thank You” They both respond simultaneously. Soon after Dr. Sanjay walks in and his face showed promise of good news. “What’s the verdict doc?” Micah cackles masking the fear of results being negative. “The results are positive...But, we’ll have to keep you overnight for observation. We cannot risk sending you home too early.” “ I second that...It’s only one night and it’s over.” Corey adds throwing his jacket on. “ Quick question doc...Can he eat solid foods?” “Yes of course...nothing too heavy right now. Fish, salads, red meat.” Dr. Sanjay replies. “ Fuck” Micah whispers under his breath. “ Ok Doc…” “ You’re just for tonight and tomorrow you’re good to go.” Dr. Sanjay says to Micah not realising that Corey stretched his hand towards him. “Thank you for every doc”. “ Everything went well so we can al be proud of the outcome...oh sorry” Dr. Sanjay says as he finally notices Corey’s hand and shakes it firmly. “I’ll take my leave and i’ll see you both tomorrow for sign out.” “Sound good doc...goodnight.” As the doctor exits the room, Corey looks over to Micah as if a light bulb has been lit inside his head like one of  those old 90’s cartoons character. “Do you remember anything while you were under,” corey asks in curiosity with wonder in his eyes ready to confirm if people actually do hear and dream while they are in a coma. “ Not much really... i smelled the food you brought though. Thank you for that.” “ Such a fat ass.” Corey comments pulling a chair next to the bed to listen to Micah’s experience. “ There this thing that keeps being repeated in my head...over and over. I cannot think of where i heard it before.” “What is it,” Corey ask deeply insisting Micah tells him. “ Remember what matters most. Live for betterment not concession.” Micah answers. A brief pause and they both burst out laughing. There laughter engulfing the entire wing of the hospital. “kinda sound like something you would say.” Corey adds holding on to his his gut from laughing. “You’re Stupid….”

  • Life isn’t simply about the good deeds that you have done. Even the impure thoughts can nullify your actions. Price yourself in acceptance of whom you bring to our father. Stand tall in his presence if you see his godliness in you . For only then can you not fear  his judgement.